Freitag, 2. Mai 2014

Day 16...Beverly State Beach Park to Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park

Another day of sunshine :) ! Back on the road I passed some steep climbs and headed on the Highway 101 south, passing Newport, Seal Rock, Walport, Florence and finally arrived at Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park. The route was again populated by fantastic views on the Pacific and I saw a group of 3 whales passing by just about 200m of the coast. Also sea lions are seen very often surfing in the waves or just relaxing in the sun on the rocky coast line. I met a nice couple from Idaho doing more or less the same route down to Santa Barbara, so it is always funny to meet again on the road or latest at the campgrounds ;) I also met a nice guy on the road doing chainsaw arts and selling near the road.
I stayed for free in my tent on the Hiker&Biker site on the campground

101,2 km / 831m in altitude difference

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