Samstag, 19. April 2014

Day 4...Davis Bay to Saltery Bay

Today the weather was fine, sunny in morning, cloudy and a little bit raining in the afternoon. The first thing I did was enjoying the nice view from Davis Bay which I could not see the day before because of the rain.
My tour started from the Blue Sky Motel in Davis Bay along the Sunshine Highway 101, passing Halfmoon Bay, Madeira and the ferry terminal in Earls Cove. The route was very beautiful but quit hard as there are a lot of  UPs and DOWNs, this was the first time I was cursing my heavy bags on the bike ;) But I had a good day and was sure to make the way to Powell River...Unfortunately I had to wait 2 hours at Earls Cove for the ferry where I met a nice Canadian family, also waiting for the ferry, showing me a hummingbird (Kolibri) farm. When I finally left the ferry it was 19:10 and I was not able to drive to Powell River in daytime, so I decided to stay at Saltery Bay Campground. When I arrived at the campground it was closed because off season, but there are a lot of Canadians using the campground anyway, so I did the same and stayed there for free :) Only showers, restrooms and services are not available. So I used the first time my Hubba Hubba tent bought in Vancouver, built up in 5 min, fantastic!

distance: 61,7 km / 910m altitude difference (excl. ferry rides)

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